Manipulation—Spot It While It is Happening

Once a person perceives how manipulation works, most are amazed that they were unable to see it previously—when it was happening.

Following the attacks on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, President George W. Bush and a number of government officials, began manipulating the American public. The way they... Read More

Anger: Getting Rid Of (Not Possible) or Getting Finished With (Possible)?

Whenever I give an Anger Mastery class, I ask the participants to raise their hand if they believe it is possible to “get rid of” anger. Inevitably, many people raise their hand, accompanied by a laugh. I’ve learned that the laugh comes because they believe it is possible to “get rid of... Read More

Anger: What the “Other Animals” Can Teach Us

Human beings are not the only animals on this earth who feel and experience emotions. Scientists, many of whom are convinced that animals do not have emotions, still argue this question.

Dr. Jeffrey Masson, author of several books about human-animal relationships, collected anecdotal evidence of animal emotion. His New York Times best-selling book, When Elephants Weep, contains stories... Read More

Anger: How Anger Signals Us to Change

Anger is an amazing emotion, totally dedicated to getting us to change, so we have a smoother-functioning, happier life!

Recall that the function of emotions is to provide “signals,” helping us make the most effective, good-for-us choices and actions. Love, for example, “signals” us to “come closer." When we do, love’s energy is exchanged; we feel great and... Read More

Anger: What Is It and Why Won’t It Leave Me Alone?

Everybody knows what anger is, right? It’s an emotion. In fact, it’s a negative emotion, one that often explodes, even when you’re trying to get rid of it and not feel it. It’s a negative emotion that easily goes out of control, requiring you to monitor—and manage—it. Your father handled anger well; but your mother did not handle well... Read More

Emotions: Your Most Intimate Teachers and Guides

Before we look at the specific signals that anger gives to us, we need to understand what emotions are, and what their place in our lives really is designed to be.

Have you ever wished you had a “User’s Manual” for your life? The fact is we all do! Our emotions,... Read More

Anger: Our Most Active Emotion

Last post, I asked whether you want to “manage” anger, or to really “master,” i.e., master is in charge, knowing how anger works, why you’re working with it, what to do to change it, its liabilities and benefits, and what to do if you don’t want to keep getting angry/frustrated/vexed/irritated the same old ways.

Are you considering... Read More

Anger: Manage It (Forever), or Master It (For Good)?

What’s your relationship with anger? Never have it? “Inherited” it from your Irish Grandmother? Rage-aholic? Depressive? Everybody experiences anger during their lifetime.

Most of us know so little about it that we entertain myths, such as “Anger just happens to me,” it’s “all-powerful,” or it “goes out of control”.
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