Who Owns Emotions?

We all seem to believe that emotions are “ours.” Indeed, when we talk about them, we refer to them as “my emotions,” or “my anger.” In fact, emotions are not “ours.” Just as we have learned that children are with us, yet do not belong to us, so emotions are an intensely intimate part of us, yet don’t really... Read More

You Found Emotions: Now What Do You Do With Them?

As we noted in the last “You and Emotions” blog post, some people have a very easy time finding the emotions that arise in them, and some don’t. If you don’t feel emotions easily, please take the time to read that first post in our series, "Emotions Belong in Your Body: Find... Read More

The Power of What We Have Inside of Us

I am on the road in my RV! My very first solo trip. I left my daughter’s near Raleigh, N.C., heading up into Virginia to traverse the Skyline Drive of Shenandoah National Park (Yes, I got my lifetime National Parks pass, too!). Along the way I have been visiting friends and family. I have gone to the Andrew Wyeth... Read More

Manage Fear: Develop Emotional Mastery, Even Over Your Past

One thing you will hear from me over and over again is, “Our Earth is a giant school, to which we have all come in order to learn and grow.” Not only is the earth beautiful, it is “concrete.” This makes it a perfect environment for growing.

By “concrete,” we are talking about... Read More

“Our” Emotions, “My” Emotions, or “The” Emotions?

Because emotions are felt in our bodies and seemingly come up on their own inside of us, we tend to claim them as “ours.” They are not. Emotions are energy, they are messengers. If you were given a screwdriver, you would know to use it to insert or remove a screw. You would not think of the screwdriver as... Read More

Emotional Mastery for YOUR Life

You or your emotions: Who is in charge of you?

Emotions have been with you your entire life—likely even from before you were born. Every one of us has had the experience of our emotions leading us into difficulties. At one time or another, we all have been baffled by emotions:  Why are... Read More

Anger and Depression Nearly Ruined My Life

…and the lives of my children.

In 1970, I gave birth to a lovely baby girl, who had been conceived consciously. Within 5 months, my young husband realized that even though he had agreed to create her, he was not ready to be a father. When she was 10 months old, he left us. I fell... Read More

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